pokaroo is back!

I’m back and admit I’ve been a bit of a Pokaroo as of late. But I’m writing now and it feels good to blog er out. First and for most Happy Canada Day weekend! I can’t believe it’s already July.  And if you’re living in Vancouver you probably can’t either. Maybe this just means we will have a long Indian summer. I took this picture  on Friday while  jogging along the seawall. Vancouver you are stunning to run with…..especially when you are sunny!

Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to work  on Nick Cannon’s Nickelodeon TV Movie, RAGZ  directed by Billie Woodruff. It was an ABSOLUTE blast working with some amazing talent such as Vancouver’s own Zak Santiago, Robert Maloney, Keenan Tracey and Burkley Duffield as well as Nickelodeon stars, Keke Palmer, Max Schneider and Vancouver born, Avan Jogia. Thank you for a wonderful chance to LAUGH and play all day/night long. Stay tuned for a 2012 release date! And yes I dyed my hair crimson for the role. Had to put a bit more sass in  “Martha”!

I went to the Britney Spears concert July 1st. You ask “Why”? Well for $25.00 it was for pure entertainment value…And great character research if I don’t say so myself. I felt like I was at a Milli Vanilli concert watching a hot blonde woman going through the motions. She seemed vacant in her performance and her signature move, the head bop which entails one to bop their head from side to side repeatedly with very minimal dance moves was a bit too repetitive for someone who used to fully go all out on the stage. Instead, she mastered “the strut”. Strutting upstage, downstage with cut offs and bikini bras. I was mostly impressed with her extraordinary dancers, acrobats and ninja warriors. Yes….I said ninja warriors. And the fact that she could “ride” so frequently during one concert….And by ride I mean, a gigantic electric guitar, a swing, a motorcycle, a car, an Egyptian boat and a man.  Hey Ho!  Best part of the night, hanging with my friends, dancing in my seat and people watching. I was looking forward to “Circus” but she didn’t even “play it”…Oh well it’s Britney Bitch. But hey! I am always up for a good dance off. For those who know me let’s GO! “Till The World Ends” is at the top of the charts and yes… it is a dance a licious song among a slew of other Britney songs that will get you in the mood to dance, dance, dance.

The theme of her show was….

A few outfits from the night that I wouldn’t be caught in. EVER!

                                                                           The “Fluorescent bumble bee”

The “Under aged ________________ ” (you can fill it in)

The “Night-time negligee and embarrassed besty”

The “Upset I didn’t get a $45.00 t-shirt” girl

The “Yes, We’re hot ” girls.

I think I look pretty darn “cute a licious” ….Sure the heels could have been higher but that night my poor footsie’s would have hated me (call me grandma now). Speaking of grandma’s, a girl actually yelled to me, “Love your shoes” and I said, “Thanks…Believe it or now they were my grandmothers vintage heels!” And my friend turned to me and said, “That’s not cool”.  We both bursted out laughing. The timing was perfect and I felt like I was in grade 7…..And to be honest friends, my grandmother was one of the coolest people I know and had amazing style.  I own a lot of her vintage pieces that I LOVE. My dress is by “Motor Rocks” and is from One Of A Few in Gastown. You’ve seen me write about One Of A Few a many o zillion of times as it is one of my “GO TO” favorite stores when I am in the mood for a little treaty poo. I always find something unique and satisfying for my soul and style.  Plus I am the first one to admit I love supporting independent boutiques.

Oh! Here I am …just playing around at the cotton candy stand.

I’m always fascinated with Graffiti (I will do a blog on collections of photos that I’ve taken). I had a coffee with a pal on Saturday and then walked aimlessly downtown. This caught my eye….It was done after the riots.

It took me over an hour to make my morning espresso. First, I forgot to put the coffee in and after realizing that, I forgot to put the water in. Thinking it was taking forever to make, I realized through sleepy eyes and a fuzzy brain that I forgot to put the water in. I could have run out and bought an Americano for the time that was wasted  but instead I saved $2.00 and enjoyed a delicious Americano by yours truly. Mmmmmmm. Hope you had a great long weekend everyone! And hey!  HAPPY JULY 4th to my American friends – Christina XO


Bridesmaids gone wrong.

Do you ever have those nights where you plan something and then those plans totally flip unexpectedly? I had one of those on Saturday night. My man and I were going to go on a date night….Tojo’s (I have yet to be) and then off to see Bridesmaids. After getting home from an action packed hour at Costco (never go on a Saturday)…we decided to forgo Tojo as we both felt a bit off (and I don’t think sushi would have done the trick to feel better). Instead we opted for homemade chicken soup and Bridesmaids. After arriving at the theatre I suddenly felt nauseous seeing the lineups and could throw up at the thought of having to sit in the front row (my worst movie nightmare). I was a bit bummed because I was thinking about this movie all week BUT was relieved to not sit in a jam-packed theatre. I don’t enjoy it as much as settling in to a matinée where you have more breathing space or at night when it’s full but not so packed that you are forced to the front row! NIGHTMARE!!  So, I’ve decided to wait until the hype is over. I remember seeing the SEX AND THE CITY films in packed theatre and was so annoyed at the teeny boppers dressed up like a group of hoochies heading out to da club squealing at absolutely everything….OR maybe I was just annoyed at the fromageness of the script. Good lord tell me you agree. It should have stopped at the first movie. Anyhoo my point was…we discovered something else that interesting, the chinese night market! It was fun to walk around the kiosks, trying some shrimp dumplings and chicken skewers and enjoying the people watching and of course the company. I even went to the library (I’m a library nerd) and rented “Chaplain”. Sometimes the unexpected can be just what you need. – Christina XO

Someone got a little too excited over the DUMPLINGS.

"Mmmmm Dumplings...nom nom  nom".“Mmmm dumplings..nom nom nom”.

Ooodles of people.

Me likey China Town.

Uh no comment. Actually…AMAZING character shoes!


geek glasses.

I’m a huge fan of geek glasses…it’s the geek in me. But I have yet to find a pair that suits my face, so for the time being I purchased a pair to wear around my neck! I found this geek chic glasses necklace (that’s a mouthful) at one of my favourite South Granville boutiques, “Oliver and Lily” this past week. They came in silver, black, and gold. I opted for the silver and love this charming piece of jewelry. If I haven’t found a pair for my face…Why not for my neck? And if I really feel like getting crazy, I can always try to wear them…but for some reason I think they will be a little too small. They were compared to Kate Spade’s “Nerd Glasses Necklace” during fashion week…BUT I’m pretty sure these were more than half the price! Everyone love’s a geek…at least I do. – Christina XO

My Geek Glasses.

Kate Spades Geek Glasses.


Your Song

A friend of mine came over last night and told me to check out this English singer/songwriter, Ellie Goulding. I immediately fell in love with her sweet voice and her quirky beauty. She covered Elton Johns, “Your Song”. Her version almost brought tears to my ears. What a cutie! Check her out! – Christina XO


Sunday Strollin.

Sunday was the perfect day for a stroll along the seawall. Do you ever have the urge to just throw on the ol iPod, listen to some favorite tunes and set your mind free? I do. All of the time. There is nothing better than just letting your mind go, take in the sunshine, the smell of the ocean, clean air and appreciating LIFE.

I am the queen of “TO DO” lists. As a matter of fact I love it. I love writing lists, using a date book, crossing out the days goals, the list of items I would like to buy,  highlighting the appointments I’ve made and at the end of the year flipping back to see all the while out, scribbles, doodles, and coffee dates! (my favorite). Everyday I take the time even for about 5 minutes to clear my mind, thank the universe for my accomplishments, be open to the unexpected, be grateful for all the family, friends and opportunities in my life. Oh! and set mini goals to accomplish for my week. I’m learning to take time out of my daily routines to be still and quiet  for a few minutes in my day. (which is hard for me to do sometimes) and not get down if I don’t get something done during the week or something doesn’t go the way I expected. For some reason it may be for the best. I think it’s important to find a place to stretch your thoughts. For me I like to clear my head  in the bathtub (you need bubbles though), sauna, or on the floor  laying on a yoga matt, closing my eyes and visualizing the big picture. I’ve learned to put the horse blinders on and eliminate the things I need not be around, or the things that make me anxious. I believe  everyone’s adventure is different and you are meant to BE in your moment and place, so I’m learning to appreciate it. I think that’s why it’s called, “Choose Your Own Adventure”. You can only take the steps towards shaping your path.  Every thought has the potential to become great and when your mind is clear its easier to do. So for me, a person whose mind is like a hamster on a wheel loves it when the hamster finally takes a nap or goes for a walk. So the next time you are feeling like you need to clear your head…don’t feel like you need to  run it off…..instead walk it out. And don’t forget your horse blinders. – Christina XO

Sunday Stroll.

I used to read these all of the time! HA! “Holy Shit Where Am I”. We’ve all felt this way at some point or another! EMBRACE THE SHIT!!!


Marcel The Shell With Shoes On.

This charming little character Marcel The Shell was a sweet little surprise that I found in my inbox this morning from a friend. After falling in love with this little shell named Marcel I was dying with laughter at the brilliant concept and the simplicity of this tiny little character. I love Marcel.

Marcel the Shell With Shoes On is a Stop Motion animated short film  made by the collaborative efforts of writer/director Dean Fleischer-Camp and writer/actress Jenny Slate. The short is about Marcel, an anthropomorphic shell.

The film premiered theatrically at AFI FEST 2010 where it was awarded Best Animated Short  and was an official selection of the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Enjoy! Christina XO



Just wishing everyone a Happy Easter! Most importantly, a Happy long weekend…where you can all rest up, enjoy friends and family and eat lots of mini eggs! I always look forward to mini egg season, like a little kid I fish out the baby blue ones (my favorite color) and savour the taste of the milk chocolate melting in my mouth part. Whatever you do this weekend, be safe, laugh alot, and enjoy those around you. Oh and most importantly! Eat some yummy mini eggs. – Christina XO



I came across this quote by supermodel Kate Moss. And LOVED IT!  In my opinion, there are no rules to fun. We should make everyday a FUNDAY- Christina XO




Love this song, “Be My Baby” – Vanessa Paradis.


Airport Sightings.

There is nothing more fun than people watching at the airport, especially in Atlanta Georgia. I had some time to kill on my way home last weekend from a wonderful wedding. After flipping through the latest issue of In Style and casually glancing up at the people around me, I couldn’t help but notice a couple of characters in my view. This particular lady jumped out at me, she was doing some simple stretches for about 5 minutes before her flight. And Why Not?? Those seats aren’t the most comfortable. I wanted to take more but she started looking my way. That wouldn’t of been good. So the next time you forget a book, magazine or even your Ipod, look around , you have the best entertainment in front of you. – CS XO


