ePisODe 13 The Acting Class

Well everyone! The finale of The Acting Class is up! We had a blast shooting it and I am excite for what is to come. I hope you all enjoyed and had a fun time peeking into the acting class. – Christina XO

EPISODE 12 “Wrap Party”

Irene wraps it up with the man in her life. Vic reveals why he has a girl’s name. And the class has a surprise visitor.

“Massage train behind me!” — Christina





The Acting Class: EpISODe 6&7

Hey everyone! For those who have not seen Episode 6 & 7 yet of THE ACTING CLASS tune in here:


EPISODE 6: “Making Speeches and Reading Minds”- GG gives an acceptance speech. Calm divulges where he really was last class. And Matty storms out in a huff. Mostly ’cause he’s Italian and they’re rul rul emotional.

“We few, put on this earth to entertain, need your support when you don’t know our names.” — GG

EPISODE 7: “Better In Than Out” – Christina performs in front of her estranged husband. Melissa dances for the class. Doug approaches an emotional meltdown.


The Acting Class- Episode 2: “biBle STudy gAng BANG”

Hey everyone! Episode 2 of the ACTING CLASS is up. Check out out: “Bible Study Gang Bang”: The class devolves into a therapy session. Christina and Irene discover they’ve both had relationships with the same man. Brant and Diana get sexual in front of the class. And Jane pulls a gun out of her tits.

CHECK IT OUT – Christina XO




To Pee or not to Pee

If you didn’t see last years hit web series, The Staff Room written and directed by the very talented and funny Jason Bryden, please do. A dear friend of mine, Jason directed and wrote this years “The Acting Class” in which I spent the entire weekend amongst a lineup of very talented, funny actors (and dear friends) creating a lot of comedy gold in this 12 part webisode. I haven’t busted a gut (from laughing) in a while and this past weekend and I quote, “Was the perfect example of loving what I do and getting to work with a bunch of extraordinary talented peeps who make me pee my pants!” – (Christina Sicoli on Facebook).  It’s a pretty special thing when you simply gel with everyone on set and have absolutely no inhibitions about just givin er all you got. I was inspired on so many levels. From the material, crew, cast, special guest directors such as Kimani Ray Smith and Aaron Au and actors such as John Cassini (who played by husband) to the amount of magic we shot in 2 days. Stay tuned for more on set stills and news. For now a little sneak peek behind the scenes.

Matty Finnochio and Moi.

“Don’t mess with me” look.
Prepping Shakespeare’s “Speak the Speech”
David Milchard a.k.a Milky D and Jane Stanton running lines.
Geoff Gustafson and Shaker Paleja gearing up!
One legged stretch with the help of Miss Melissa Robertson.
Wide legged stretch. YEOWZA!
It’s a good thing I’m flexible. Took me many years to get the “Over the shoulder leg stretch”.
Padre Fincholdonks.
Padre Milk Bags.
“Pearl” and “Mama”.
Janey strutting her stuff.
Immersed with Lady Gaga.
Nap time between scenes.
“Patrick” and “Demi”.
The two Italians.
Hot Shotz.

“Copy” – A List Irene.

Christina Christina Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa

A couple of years ago the theme song to my future sitcom was born, “Christina, Christina, Christina Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Christina” (sung in barbershop quartet style) . A few friends of mine tagged me with this phrase when I would do something ridiculous, get myself into a sticky and awkward situation, or by just observing my daily quirks and nonsensical conversations with my boyfriend. A long running joke with some gal pals is the astonishing numbers of joe jobs I’ve managed to NOT hold on to due to unforseen circumstances of course (clear throat). Here is a glance of the day in a life of “Christina Christina” combined with living together with her main squeeze. -Christina
