Hearts galore.

This week has been fast and furious and I love it. Aside from working on my own projects, I’ve been working on a new HALLMARK Christmas Movie entitled, “Hitched For The Holidays” alongside some fantastic actors that I’ve had the honour to play with. I’ve been cast as Joey Lawrence’s sister in this romantic comedy. It’s kinda funny when you meet one of your teen heart-throbs! HA…I remember in grade 7 going to a Toronto Blue Jay game and there on the jumbotron was Joey Lawrence. Fast forward some years ahead and boom I get to call him my “brother”…… Whoa!

HEART DAY . It’s funny when a holiday approaches…there are those who adore the festivities and the hoopla of it all (that’s me) and those who abstain from the joy of it all because  “it’s just commercialism”. To each their own but I find that those who abstain need to make a point of begrudgingly expressing their lack of joy for it. WHY? Let’s face it, aside from any occasion we need love. We want love. We love to be loved.  It makes you feel good. Plain and simple. It really doesn’t matter if you’re single or have that special someone, there is always room for feeling admired or loved. Weather it be a simple Valentine (I miss those days of giving your friends cards) some cinnamon hearts or a big ol kiss, I’m a sucker for any occasion where flowers, chocolate, wine or shoes are involved. Even if I buy them all for myself.

Early mornings and late nights have caught up with me and allowed me to be a sicky poo poo. The best part?  I get to take the day to sleep and RELAX. Something I am not used to doing. I love wrapping myself on the couch with a blanket, pillow, a cup of tea and endless episodes of a tv show I’m engrossed in or having a moviethon. I was even lucky enough to have some bitters and water brought to me in the week hours of the night by my lovebird. What a guy…..and then he moved to the couch cause I was keeping him awake.

Well for those who didn’t see 60 Second Tips With Sicoli last week…check it out. Not enough time to hit the gym? I’ve created a special workout routine in the bathtub. It’s not only easy…it’s real real fun.


HAPPY WEEKEND EVERYONE! and plant a special kiss on someone – CS xx


60 Seconds and then some.

60 Second Tips With Sicoli is up.

This Weeks Tip: How to Sew A Button On A Shirt…’s that simple.

I am soooooooo excited to see the latest Wes Anderson movie, “Moonrise Kingdom”. He is one of my all time favourite directors! It is my dream to be in a Wes Anderson film. So Wes, if you’re reading this…….

This film stars a brilliant cast of characters: Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand and of course Jason Schwartzman just to name a few. I love Anderson’s distinct style of movie making. Most of his films combine dry humor and flawed characters, this alone gives me goosebumps of joy as I am a HUGE fan of character driven films. I’m loving the style, colours, and esthetics of this film already. 

Saw this pic! Loved it so much I had to share. Sometimes you just need to belt out a tune….and even if it’s out of tune. As long as some noise is coming out of your mouth. Believe me, there is a lot of noise that comes out of my little body, I blame it on being Italian….or at least other’s have informed me of that!

Sing it Baby!


What are 3 great things you’ve done TODAY?

1. I worked on a project for a few hoursCREATIVITY

2. I got my yoga and sauna onEXERCISE

3. I made someone laugh – COMFORT

This seems like a nice thing to do.

The weekend is here…What are you going to do? I am in a serious mood to dance! JUST LIKE THIS.

Happy Weekend Everyone! Treat yourself to something fun  . special . nice . – CS XX
