Going The Distance

Yesterday, my guy and I planned to take  a little road treat to Seattle. Although plans were a bit shifted we made the best of it. Isn’t is always the way? You plan a trip and BOOM something comes up. Oh well….We went with it. So we took advantage of the time we had and across the border we went. First stop,  my all time favorite grocery store, Trader Joe’s. I have the worst ADD when it comes to stores, the bright colors, the tunes blaring over the stereo system, the free coffee, the people, the giant liquor section and the deals. It’s such a shame that we don’t have them in Canada. You can find everything for CHEAP!! Not to mention, the quality of products that you get. I’m a bit of a health nut so I tend to buy a lot of yummy healthy eats. The bonus of the fruits and vegetables is you don’t feel like you bought a small island when purchasing fresh organic food. Seriously, a bag of organic apples were $2.99 which I think is tres reasonable. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth either but if there is something with chocolate and peanut butter in it I am a sucker! Therefore, we HAD to buy these mini chocolate chip peanut butter cups. OMG!!! buy some frozen yogurt and dump some in! YUMMMMMYYYYYY!

Our second Stop was the Buffalo Exchange in Bellingham. WOO HOOOOOO Vintage heaven. WOW! I usually take my consignment to a few stores here in Vancouver but from now on I am taking everything here. They didn’t hesitate with barely any of my items and I ended up with either $65.00 to spend in the store OR $40.00 to take with me. I opted for the $65.00. So basically, I got a credit of $65.00 and bought a pair of vintage cowboy boots for $25, leather back boots for $25, a cute dress for $10.00 and 5 pairs of brand new Betsy Johnson socks for $11.00….I paid the extra amount. I was a very happy camper.

Next, my main purpose was to search for my HUNTER rain boots which are about $50.00 cheaper than in Canada. (And I bought them with my birthday money) Like I say, when it comes to boots, shoes…I will pay for quality. And considering they are a durable boot why pay $15 for a pair that will fall apart? Especially living in Vancouver I will use them all of the time. So we went on a goose chase for them, we couldn’t go as far as Seattle due to time but I ended up going to two Nordstrom’s. First one they didn’t have my size in the black. My boyfriend at this point wanted to leave me at the side of the road. The lengths a man will go for you in order to get a pair of rain boots is the test of a true man. He went for a beer at this point because I was driving him crazy. Then we zipped to the second Nordstrom’s where he was adamant about me getting them considering that was the main purpose of going to the States. We zipped there and I got the last pair! YES!!!!!  Again a happy camper.

Then I got caught at the sale rack! Shhhhh.

Last stop before home, The Casino. He lost. Booooo.

Anyhow, had a great day and look forward to an overnight where we can spend more time in Seattle. I’m pooped. – Christina XO

